Adjust Your Investment Portfolio to Combat Rising Inflation

Jeff Vistica
September 12, 2024

Inflation can erode the value of your investments, making it essential to adjust your portfolio to safeguard your financial future. While inflation rates can fluctuate, periods of rising inflation present unique challenges for investors.

Taking proactive steps can help protect your wealth and ensure your investment portfolio remains resilient.

Understand the Impact of Inflation

Before making any adjustments, it's crucial to understand how inflation affects your investments.

Inflation reduces the value of money over time. This means that the real value of your returns can decrease if your investments don't grow at a rate that outpaces inflation. Bonds, typically offering fixed interest payments, can lose value in a high-inflation environment.

Rebalance Your Portfolio

One of the most effective strategies to combat inflation is rebalancing your portfolio. This involves adjusting the mix of assets in your portfolio to ensure they align with your financial goals and the current economic environment.

It might be wise to increase your exposure to assets that historically performed well during inflationary times, like equities (stocks), real estate, and commodities during rising inflation.

Equities can offer growth potential that outpaces inflation, especially in sectors with pricing power—meaning they can increase prices without significantly reducing demand.

Consider increasing your allocation to sectors like technology, healthcare, and consumer goods, which tend to be more resilient in inflationary environments.

Increase Exposure to Real Assets

Real assets often provide a hedge against inflation.

Real estate investments can offer income through rent, which tends to increase during inflationary periods. Property values may rise with inflation, providing capital appreciation.

Commodities, including precious metals like gold and silver, agricultural products, and energy resources, are often portrayed as inflation hedges. They certainly can be but as Larry Swedroe summarizes, be wary and aware of the evidence.

Consider Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities (TIPS)

Another strategy to safeguard your portfolio from inflation is investing in Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities (TIPS).
TIPS are a type of U.S. government bond designed to protect investors from inflation. The principal value of TIPS increases with inflation, as measured by the Consumer Price Index (CPI), ensuring that your investment keeps pace with rising prices.

While TIPS can provide a reliable hedge against inflation, their yields are typically lower than those of traditional bonds. However, the inflation protection they offer can make them a valuable addition to a diversified portfolio during periods of rising inflation.

Evaluate Your Fixed-Income Investments

Fixed-income investments like bonds are often less attractive in inflationary environments because their fixed-interest payments lose purchasing power as inflation rises. However, not all fixed-income investments are equally vulnerable.

Consider shortening the duration of your bond holdings, as shorter-duration bonds are less sensitive to interest rate changes. Look for bonds with adjustable or floating interest rates, offering better protection against inflation.


Inflation can vary significantly from one country to another. By diversifying your portfolio internationally, you can reduce your exposure to domestic inflation. Investing in foreign stocks, bonds, and currencies can provide a hedge against inflation in your home country.

International investments involve risks, including currency fluctuations and geopolitical instability. Diversification across multiple regions can mitigate these risks while offering opportunities for growth in economies with lower inflation rates.

Increase Cash Flow

Consider investments that generate interest income, such as high-yield savings accounts, certificates of deposit (CDs), or money market funds. While these may not offer the same growth potential as stocks, they can provide a stable source of income that helps offset inflation.

Be Cautious with Cash Holdings

While holding cash in your portfolio is important for liquidity, be cautious about having too much during inflationary periods. Cash loses value in real terms as inflation erodes its purchasing power.

Instead of keeping large amounts of cash, consider investing in short-term, low-risk assets that offer better returns than traditional savings accounts.

Stay Informed and Proactive

Inflation is a dynamic force, and its impact on your portfolio can change over time. Stay informed about economic trends and be prepared to adjust your investment strategy as needed.

Review and rebalance your portfolio regularly to ensure it remains aligned with your financial goals and resilient to rising inflation.

Working with a financial advisor can provide valuable insights and guidance as you navigate inflationary periods. An advisor can help you develop a customized investment strategy considering your risk tolerance, time horizon, and financial objectives.

Final Thoughts

Rising inflation presents challenges for investors, but by proactively adjusting your portfolio, you can protect your wealth and maintain your purchasing power.

Focus on rebalancing your portfolio, increasing exposure to tangible assets, and diversifying internationally.
Consider adding TIPS to your fixed-income investments.

By staying informed and working with a financial advisor, you can confidently navigate inflationary periods and continue working toward your financial goals.

DISCLAIMER: Jeff Vistica is the managing principal of Vistica Wealth Advisors based in Carlsbad, CA. He is a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™, a Chartered Special Needs Consultant® a Chartered Financial Consultant® and an Accredited Investment Fiduciary®. He earned an Executive Financial Planner Advanced Certificate from San Diego State University and his bachelor’s degree from Loyola Marymount University. Vistica Wealth Advisors is an SEC registered investment advisory firm. Information was compiled from third-party sources believed to be reliable, however Vistica Wealth Advisors cannot guarantee the accuracy of that information. Hyperlinks to this third-party informational content and websites are provided solely for reader convenience. Information provided is for informational purposes only and does not intend to make an offer or solicitation for the sale or purchase of any specific securities, investments, or investment strategies. Prior to implementing any strategy, everyone is advised to consult with the appropriately licensed professionals to assess your individual situations and needs.

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